02/05/2022 0 Comments
Pastor's corner: A room with a view
Pastor's corner: A room with a view
# Pastors Corner

Pastor's corner: A room with a view
We have got new paintings in our church. They were revealed Easter morning together with the rest of the upgraded church.
It is two paintings with a lot of dark, stormy, blue water. On the left side the artwork depicts a boat. On the opposite side, Jesus walking towards the boat - and us.
"It is like the church has windows with views to the ocean," a man commented after watching the Easter morning service online.
And yes - he is right: We have a room with a view. A view beyond the physical, concrete room in the northern part of Metropolitan Toronto.
A church is a room without usual borders like other halls and houses. In a church, you can meet God, and God will meet you. The time of the church is going from eternity to eternity - and is a part of a story shared among generations.
With our new paintings, the borders of our church are even further apart because we now have a unique view of the ocean-the ocean the Danish migrants travelled across to come to Canada and the ocean our boat, called life, is sailing on today.
Sometimes the sea is calm and enjoyable. Other times it is like a storm, where you can feel afraid, alone - and out of the sight of God.
Now going to our church, we will enter a room with a new view: A view of an ocean where Jesus is meeting us. He is doing the impossible: walking on water. In the same way, He comes to us in our lives when we need him the most. He is the light in our darkness, just as He is the light on the stormy sea.
If you have not seen the new room and the new view yet, I am looking forward to sharing that with you next time you come to our church: A Sunday service, a bazaar, a memorial service or one of our many cultural and social events during the spring and summer.
Pastor Simon