Join the next season confirmation class

Confirmation is a solemn event that confirms the Christian faith and the baptism and marks the transition from childhood to adulthood.

Boys and girls (around grade 8, 9, 10 or 11) from GTA and the eastern part of Canada are invited to participate. The classes will take place in the church - normally after a Sunday Service and eventually online. 

The class will be held in English (and Danish) and will contain an introduction to Christianity, the Bible, the church, faith, hope and life ... and much more.

Fill out the form and send it to pastor Kirstine Rasmussen at together with a copy of the baptismal certificate.
You can also contact her if you want more information before you sign up. 

There will be 10-13 lessons from September to April depending on class size and some extra events. You can see the plan for the planned dates here.

It is free to participate in the confirmation class, but we encourage families to be members of the Church if they are not already. At the same time, we would like the confirmands and their families to be responsible for the church coffee/lunch on some Sundays during the year, help at the bazaars and other events.