​ Updated: Christmas bazaar 2022 - now with the result of the bazaar

​ Updated: Christmas bazaar 2022 - now with the result of the bazaar

​ Updated: Christmas bazaar 2022 - now with the result of the bazaar

# News

​ Updated: Christmas bazaar 2022 - now with the result of the bazaar

For the first time since the pandemic, we could open the doors to a real Christmas bazaar in our beautiful building. And for the first time, with booths in the church hall and plenty of room to serve 900 pieces of "Smørrebrød" cake and coffee in the Royal Hall downstairs.

Many hundreds turned up and bought Christmas decorations, Christmas sweets, Glögg and "Æbleskiver" - and delicious open-faced sandwiches.

More than 50 volunteers helped out - it was a great party!
THANK YOU to everyone who turned up - and thank you to all the volunteers.

Updated: Outstanding Fall/Christmas Bazaar result

We had a very busy, very different, and very successful in-person bazaar on Sat Nov 19. With the new set-up of booths on both floors and outside, it was a more relaxed event with plenty of space to walk about and shop, and one even could enjoy a coffee and sandwich or two. The pictures give a good idea of how it went. The feedback on this new set-up was very positive from almost everyone. We want to thank all the many volunteers it took to put on this event. 

The net results below (as of that day alone except for imports) are absolutely outstanding. And we are still selling inventory until the end of the year. A big thank you to everyone who took part in making this bazaar the success it was. We really appreciate the support you have shown. 

Hilsen og mange tak 

The Bazaar Committee

Christmas Bazaar result 2022
Bake & Coffee Booths $ 1,902 
Christmas Booth, One of a Kind, & Danish Plates $ 3,353 
Gloegg & Aebleskiver $ 273 
Imports Booth (sales since Sept) $ 16,697 
Jewelry Booth $ 1,244 
Sandwiches $ 5,850 
Silent Auction $ 540 
Tombola $ 287 
White Elephant $ 1,034 

TOTAL $ 31,180


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