Pastor Simon's farewell service and St. Hans celebration in the park

Pastor Simon's farewell service and St. Hans celebration in the park

Pastor Simon's farewell service and St. Hans celebration in the park

# News

Pastor Simon's farewell service and St. Hans celebration in the park

The church was filled with people who wanted to say thank you to Pastor Simon and send him and his family well on their way back to Denmark. The farewell service ended with Organist Mark Fenger and Pastor Simon's Toronto hymn, and as a postlude, church singer Brigitte Bogar had written a musical tribute to the pastor. 

After the service, there was a BBQ in the park and a celebration of St. Hans and Midsummer with songs, burgers, strawberries and ice cream - and, of course, St. Hans Lottery!

THANK YOU to the many who came and celebrated summer - and said thank you and goodbye to Pastor Simon. 

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