Urgent Notice re Danish Church Basement Flood!!

Urgent Notice re Danish Church Basement Flood!!

Urgent Notice re Danish Church Basement Flood!!

# News

Urgent Notice re Danish Church Basement Flood!!

Urgent Notice re Danish Church Basement Flood!!

Wednesday evening we experienced a very significant problem at the church.

The city sewer on Finch Ave. was backed up from all the rain we had, and all the buildings from 72 Finch over to 62 Finch were getting overflow from the sewer lines being pushed back into their basements.
Needless to say, our whole church basement was flooded with about 2-3 inches of sewer water - not a pleasant experience at all.

We immediately engaged a restoration company to pump water out as best they could, but it wasn't until late last night that the city was able to fix the clogged sewer to stop the overflow from coming into the basement. The restoration company is now busy doing its best to clean up the big mess that remains.

We now have to wait before they can allow us back into the basement for our regular use. It will need to be dried and disinfected, and some repairs will need to be made. Therefore, until further notice, the basement is out of bounds for all activities. That means no access to bath rooms or kitchen or Royal Hall or anywhere downstairs. All current activities will have to be moved or re-scheduled - please check with your specific group for any updates. 

However - we do have access to the sanctuary and Kai Munk rooms and will try to use them as alternative meeting locations. 

As soon as we have more information - we will of course share with everyone. 

We ask for patience and understanding for any inconvenience this may have on anyone.
Feel free to contact Sune Overgaard if you have any specific questions or concerns.

Upcoming Events: 

These will all take place in the sanctuary or Kai Munk room, but plan accordingly re need and use of facilities. 

We are still planning to have a regular Sunday service this Sunday at 10:30 am. Clearly there will be no coffee and fellowship afterwards.

We are also still planning to have the AGM on Sunday after the service.
This meeting is very important and a necessary process that we need to follow.

After the service, we will take a 10 minute break and set up for the AGM.
We can still use the Zoom function so you can join us from home if that is easier. Please make the effort to participate in-person or on-line.

Church Cafe has been cancelled for next week.

An update will be posted by Friday next week to see what arrangements may still have to be made.

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