02/07/2024 0 Comments
President’s Message January-Febuary 2020
President’s Message January-Febuary 2020
# News
President’s Message January-Febuary 2020
We are not only ...
... about to enter a new year – but also a new decade. This is a good opportunity to make new, meaningful resolutions along with the usual wishes of health and happiness for our families and friends. To be meaningful there should be a commitment or effort to complete these resolutions, and that is usually where we fall behind. But if we are careful with our choice of goals, many of them can be reached. And if your efforts are honest and true, you will usually be successful – and that is always a good thing.
We have just gone through the busiest time of the year for our church. From Thanksgiving Dinner to the Fall Bazaar and Lottery, Christmas Concert, Lucia Pageant, Christmas Services and Children’s Christmas Party. These are all very large and important events for our church in addition to our regular Sunday services – and it takes a lot of work by a lot of people to plan and prepare and complete these events. Of course, we need the participants and their support to make this work – and you have been very good at doing that - but without the help and support of all those volunteers, it would be very difficult to be as successful as we have been. On behalf of the church, I would like to say a huge collective THANK YOU to all those many, many volunteers – and an equally strong THANK YOU to all of you who came and were part of our festivities.
Speaking of volunteers, I would like to encourage more of you to try and make a small commitment to help us out in any of the many areas where we can use your help. We always seem to struggle to get people to sign up on the coffee list, or to help set up and/or clean up at our many events.
You can perhaps even make this a resolution for the new year. Feel free to contact any board member or group leader if you are willing to give this a try. You will no doubt be greeted with open arms and a big smile.
Remember this is your church and social centre – come and enjoy our Danish customs and traditions.
I look forward to seeing you there!! Godt Nyt Aar – Happy New Year
Sune Overgaard, chairman of the board.