02/07/2024 0 Comments
Hello fellow friends...
Hello fellow friends...
# News

Hello fellow friends...
President’s Message for May/June 2020
Hello fellow friends and supporters of the Danish church here in Toronto. My first thoughts are that on behalf of myself and the church Board – we do hope all of you and your family and friends are healthy and safe and doing your best to cope with the situation we all find ourselves. Everyday life for everyone across the globe has been turned upside down. But we are very lucky to live in a country where we have the best health care and science to guide us through this pandemic. We must do our best to follow the basic public health rules – wash your hands frequently, observe social distancing, reduce as much outside contact as possible, and of course – self-isolate if you do feel sick, have a fever or difficulty breathing, and seek proper medical advice if these symptoms worsen. The more we all do our part, the sooner we will beat this crisis and be able gather together again.
I’m sure we have heard the above messages many, many times every day. But it is what we need to do. We can and will beat this virus, and I’m sure all of us will want to celebrate when that day comes. In the meantime, - well – you know!!! And we of course want to thank all the many people who put themselves at great risk to help us through this crisis – frontline healthcare and personal support workers, all EMS branches, and all other essential services workers. Make sure you express your thanks when being served by any of these dedicated people.
We know many people have lost jobs or received reduced work. As well many businesses have suffered and even had to close. The various governments are doing their best to help – but it is a difficult time for all. And this includes the church. We still have costs even though our doors are closed. Several people have sent in Easter gifts and other donations which are gratefully accepted. We have set up an E-transfer facility for those who wish to support in this way. In these challenging times, you must of course look after your own personal needs. But if you still have the ability to make a donation of any size – we will always say “mange, mange tak” and do our best to look after the church’s needs.
Hopefully you have all had a chance to see Simon’s service videos. Since late March he has been sending them out each week – including the Easter week just passed. Brigitte has provided the music. They are top quality and bring you as close to being part of a service at the church as possible. They are very comforting and let you know the church is still here – so you are not alone. You are welcome to call Simon at any time if you have any problems or issues you would like to talk about. Remember – we are here to serve you if needed.
As we all know all church activities have been cancelled until further notice. We have specifically extended that closure until late May, and it will be reviewed again at that time. As we have had to cancel major events in April (ie Easter services, Royal Dinner, Confirmation), we will have to do likewise for May. That means our Spring Bazaar and the Federation meetings are now also cancelled. The chances are very good that this will be extended into June so events like Constitution Day at Sunset Villa and our Skt. Hans festivities are at risk. Clearly not what we want to do – but what we have to do. Make sure you check our website and face book accounts on a regular basis for any updates.
These are trying times for everyone. The best we can do is follow the guidelines the authorities give us. Be patient and careful every day. The more we do this together – the sooner it will be over. We can and will win. Stay safe.
Sune Overgaard
President of the Danish Church, Toronto