02/07/2024 0 Comments
Love your enemies - Video Worship from the Danish Church
Love your enemies - Video Worship from the Danish Church
Love your enemies - Video Worship from the Danish Church
# Video Worship
Published by Kirstine Rasmussen on Sunday, July 5, 2020 8:00 AM
Love your enemies - Video Worship from the Danish Church
It is really a strong message - and maybe the most important of Jesus' messages summing up, all He is teaching and doing: Love your enemies!
He sees and loves the people around him that others don't understand and love - that others see as their enemies.
Some will say it's impossible. But we can start in small ways - to show trust instead of mistrust; to see the person instead of the enemy.
The messages are more crucial than ever witnessing what's going on with the racism showing its ugly face in our world.
Welcome to video-worship 4. Sunday in Trinity from The Danish Lutheran Church in Toronto. With a reflection of Pastor Simon Kangas Larsen and Brigitte Bogar singing "Kærlighed er lysets kilde".