Church Services in Lock-Down for 4 Weeks

Church Services in Lock-Down for 4 Weeks

Church Services in Lock-Down for 4 Weeks

# Corona

Church Services in Lock-Down for 4 Weeks

Under the new lock-down rules for the City of Toronto, we have had to cancel our in-house church services for the next 4 weeks (the four advent sundays). 

As before, Pastor Simon will still produce on-line services for us all to enjoy from afar. Please check our website and other church media for updates. 

We really won't know if we can even have our planned Christmas services until December 21 - stay tuned for any last-minute updates on that.

In the meantime, we had a very successful on-line bazaar for imported goods and smorrebrod sandwiches. Thank you to all who helped to support the church.

As you know, we can still receive donations via e-transfer or cheques in the mail. Any and all support will be very much appreciated.

Remember we have an on-line Christmas Concert on Sat Dec 5 - make sure you join those festivities.  Have a happy and safe Christmas season.

The board

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