Fourth Sunday after Easter: What was his or her last word?

Fourth Sunday after Easter: What was his or her last word?

Fourth Sunday after Easter: What was his or her last word?

# Video Worship

Fourth Sunday after Easter: What was his or her last word?

A  film where one of the main characters dies often shows a dramatic scene where the dying say their final words. It is usually a peak point in the movie, and the film changes direction afterwards. Something new is going to happen. 

For all of us who have tried to say goodbye to a beloved person, the final words are also essential. What he or she says - is it something I can live my life on afterwards? 

On the agenda for this Sunday is one of Jesus' farewell speeches given for his disciples before he died. We are listening to some of his last words, and that makes the message even more important. 

Listen to Pastor Simon's reflection on "the last word" - and join the singing of to two Danish hymns: One in English (Spirit of your Truth and Love) and one in Danish (Spænd over os dit himmelsejl). 

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