30/05/2021 0 Comments
Trinity Sunday: The Holy Spirit fills you with hope in times of crisis
Trinity Sunday: The Holy Spirit fills you with hope in times of crisis
Trinity Sunday: The Holy Spirit fills you with hope in times of crisis
# Video Worship
Published by Kirstine Rasmussen on Sunday, May 30, 2021 10:30 AM
![Blog image](https://edge.churchdesk.com/blog-81734/span7_16-9/public/o/2808/trinitatis_smaller.png?c=NNN)
Trinity Sunday: The Holy Spirit fills you with hope in times of crisis
In today’s Video-worship we are meeting a man in crisis. A man struggling with who he is? What is the meaning of his life, what to believe - or not to believe. He is not in crisis because of a pandemic but because he has lost direction. The man is Nicodemus who talks with Jesus in the middle of the night.
Welcome to a video-worship from The Danish Lutheran Church of Toronto about the Holy Spirit filling us with hope - and with an essential talk.
The hymns are “Come Holy Spirit truth divine” (Kom Sandheds Ånd og vidne giv) and “Denne er dagen, som Herren har gjort”.