Sunday Service: Remove the log of our eyes so you can see the wonderful world

Sunday Service: Remove the log of our eyes so you can see the wonderful world

Sunday Service: Remove the log of our eyes so you can see the wonderful world

# Video Worship

Sunday Service: Remove the log of our eyes so you can see the wonderful world

We, again and again, hear about humans inflicting evil against other humans - just because they are different! It happens on a big scale in wars between nations and tribes. Or when racism's ugly face is looking at us, but also in our everyday life where we hurt with condemnation. 

Today Jesus is talking about our relationship as humans, where we act like the blind leading the blind. We need God! Welcome to video worship from the Danish Lutheran Church of Toronto. 

Listen to Pastor Simon's reflections, and join the singing with Brigitte Bogar and Mark Finger of three hymns: "Morning has broken," "Come Holy Spirit," and "Du satte dig selv i de nederste sted"

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