02/07/2024 0 Comments
Changes in activities due to corona restrictions
Changes in activities due to corona restrictions
Changes in activities due to corona restrictions
# News
Published by Kirstine Rasmussen on Thursday, January 13, 2022 1:58 PM

Changes in activities due to corona restrictions
The current Corona lockdown forces us to change our activities in the coming weeks.
KirkeCafé (Tuesdays), folk dance (Fridays) and the Golden Age Club (Thursdays) have been cancelled until further notice. The same goes for Movie Saturday on January 15.
We are allowed to hold services with 50% capacity and Sunday, January 16 at 10:30, we are back with worship in person. More information on the website.
On Tuesday, January 18, there will still be Bible reading (2:30 pm) and Newcomers to Toronto evening (7:30). Both on zoom.
Stay safe!
Pastor Simon and the board.