Confirmation sleepover: Kanye West and the prodigal son

Confirmation sleepover: Kanye West and the prodigal son

Confirmation sleepover: Kanye West and the prodigal son

# Pastors Corner

Confirmation sleepover: Kanye West and the prodigal son

By Kirstine Rasmussen, pastor at the Danish Luheran Church, Toronto.

(translated by Eva Terp)

The sound pours out of the loudspeakers. The prelude of the day wakes up the congregation. The rhythms are different this morning in the beautiful church hall. Not often is the sounds  of Kanye West allowed to  initiate the service. But that’s the way it was meant to be this Sunday morning, where five confirmands were allowed to decide. For this was to be “their” church service  - their opportunity to present the gospel and pray in their own words. Their opportunity to feel the spirit and create the framework for the church service community they had become an integral part of during the recent six months.

Prior to the service, the confirmands had spent a – hopefully -memorable afternoon, evening and night in the church, filled with teamwork and delving into their faith.

This was not just a service for them; it was an experience crated by them. 

As an introduction to the confirmands’ own planning of a church service, they were first  faced with  a challenge, which went beyond just  listening and learning. They would have to find their way through a mystery, that had been encapsulated in an “escape room”*. Here they would find the key to their upcoming church service, and through cooperation and creative thinking they managed to solve the riddle of the elements of the service. The purpose of this somewhat unorthodox approach was meant to give them not just   a feeling of excitement, but also an immersion into their faith which they had not previously experienced: it inspired them to ask different questions through  play acting.

When, as a pastor, I go about planning a sleep-over for my confirmands, it becomes clear to me that while it is both about learning and intimate knowledge of Lutheran Christianity, it is especially about fellowship and unity. The young people should have an opportunity to be able to  develop fellowship across their different backgrounds and experiences. By spending time together and prepare meals we don’t just fill our stomachs – it also gives us spiritual sustenance. Here we have time for conversation about what is important, friendships are strengthened, and the pastor also gets to know the confirmands even better – something we otherwise rarely have the time for during the regular lessons.

When the time for the Sunday church service arrived, the confirmands were ready: as well rested as teenagers  can be expected to be, and possibly with a measure of apprehension at the thought of having to stand up in front  of the whole congregation with their own word and interpretation of  the gospel - which had all been prepared Saturday afternoon and evening.

And accompanied by the words from the rapper Kenya West, it all got started. They proudly lead this Sunday’s church service with skill and dignity. They delivered the prepared prayers with sincerity and understanding of the force inherent in them. They read the gospel and interpreted the parable about the prodigal son with consideration and  understanding of the message.

Thus the service was not just a routine act; it was a mutual expression of the confirmands’ journey towards understanding of Christian practice, community and the depth of the faith.

It is my hope as pastor that with this experience the confirmands will have had a solid and uniquely personal encounter with the church, where they not only learned about their faith but where they also experienced it  in a meaningful and real way; and that they therefore will carry it with them as they enter the next phase of their life of faith.

And to my great delight one of the confirmands asked: “Can’t we do this again next year? We could have it as a reunion every year.” And so – I have to start considering how that could be done. For who would not love to have their confirmands continue coming back to the house that will always be theirs?

Red.: Kaye West is an American rapper, producer, etc. with nine Grammy Awards and international popularity.


*Escape room: A locked room containing mysteries and codes, that have to be solved by co-operative efforts.

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