Summer is at our door...

Summer is at our door...

Summer is at our door...

# News

Summer is at our door...

Presidential Messages - July/August

... at least according to the amount of sunshine we will get. School is out, and many are preparing for summer holidays. Likewise, we are also making summer plans for our church. 

First – we have decided to not have in-person Sunday services on the summer long weekends. So, no in-person services July 3, July 31, and Sept 4, but instead you can participate in Video worships online prepared by Pastor Simon. 

The week days for all of July and August have been booked by the Tournesol French Day Camp. 

Next – a large, popular boys’ and men’s choir from Thisted DK is visiting us and taking part in the service and concert on July 10, starting at 2:30 in the afternoon, but please see page 3 for more details, as we hope you will take part in this extra special event. As well – that day we will collect donations specifically marked for helping the desperate people in Ukraine. Most Ukrainian civilians have been forced to endure unbelievable war-time conditions struggling for food and shelter. We will partner with the Lutheran World Relief in Ukraine who have been involved from the start, and our church will match these specific donations up to $5,000. Payments must still go to the church for us to provide you a tax receipt, and to make a single separate donation on behalf of the church – but mark cheques or e-transfers etc. accordingly with “Help Ukraine”. We are hoping to make this donation representative of how we feel for those whose lives have been torn apart because of this terrible conflict. 

Also – since we are much better prepared to manage and control any Covid worries these days, we are hoping to return to some of our more popular activities. A family service and reception are planned for the Welcome Back Fest on Sept 11. We are also looking at a special Thanksgiving Dinner on Oct 15 with a new full-service format complete with great food, music, and entertainment. The board and other involved members will be meeting in August to review and plan for an all-members meeting sometime this fall where we will ask everyone to come with thoughts and ideas for what they want to see and do at our wonderful church.

We are not only a church but also a cultural centre and need to open up for all to be involved. We have great outreach to Danes and non-Danes, young and old, near and far with our multi-media formats. Now we need to capitalize on these opportunities. Stay tuned!!

The plans above grew from a meeting of pastors and presidents of the Danish Churches in Canada to discuss the future of our churches. It is not surprising that we are all facing very similar issues. We met in Vancouver in late May while there for the closing ceremonies of the Granly Church in Surrey, BC. Although the circumstances for that event were not what anyone wanted, the celebration of their 60 years was – and it was done in grand style and enjoyed by all. 

Earlier in May we had our Bazaar pick-up and Hygge Fest day. Despite the trouble and delay of the imported goods, the weather cooperated and the sandwiches were awesome. Many thanks to all the volunteers that helped make this happen. We also enjoyed listening to Paul Henrik’s reading of some H C Andersen stories, and in June to Mikkel Andersen’s classic guitar concert. We had an outdoor church service on Grundlovsdag at Sunset Mindepark. As you can see, we are actively trying new and different ideas. Why not join us for events like these?

Remember - this is your church and we need you to be part of it. We still serve coffee and a small snack after the service – and would love to have help to continue this treat. Volunteers are always needed and appreciated. Have a happy and safe summer.

Sune Overgaard

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