Sunday reflection about spreading love like a farmer spreading seeds

Sunday reflection about spreading love like a farmer spreading seeds

Sunday reflection about spreading love like a farmer spreading seeds

# Video Worship

Sunday reflection about spreading love like a farmer spreading seeds

"We may believe that the seed of love sowed in our hearts is so strong that it can take root in our lives and grow inside us.  The hope and possibility are that you will do as the sower: Live your life in generosity, sharing smiles, joy and the love of our Lord in the world. That is the best way to fight evil and the best way to conquer darkness and isolation. "  

Listen to Pastor Simons's reflection this Fourth Sunday in Epiphany and the parable about the sower spreading the seeds on different solid.  

The hymns of the day are (DDS557 "Her vil ties, her vil bies" and (DDS 152  "O Herre Gud, din lære") - sing along with Mark Fenger and Brigitte Bogar.

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