Jesus' crucifixion: He has been in the deepest darkness for us

Jesus' crucifixion: He has been in the deepest darkness for us

Jesus' crucifixion: He has been in the deepest darkness for us

# Video Worship

Jesus' crucifixion: He has been in the deepest darkness for us

Good Friday Video-worship from the Danish Lutheran Church in Toronto. Welcome to a devotion where the flags are on a half pole and the flowers and candles have been removed from the Altar. 

Sing along the Danish hymn "Hil dig frelser og forsoner" and the American spiritual: "Where you there when they crucified my lord?", listen to the Gospel of Good Friday and the reflection of Pastor Simon: The rollercoaster ride of Easter takes its deepest fall today into the darkest darkness when Jesus says "My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?" and exhale. He is in the darkness for us. Let's confess with the centurion at the foot at the cross: “Truly this man was God’s Son!”

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