08/04/2021 0 Comments
Corona-update: The church will stay closed during stay-at-home order
Corona-update: The church will stay closed during stay-at-home order
# Corona
Corona-update: The church will stay closed during stay-at-home order
Until further notice, we will not have services at the church. As long as the stay-at-home order is in effect, we can not open our church for in-person worship, like the one we had on Easter morning.
From Sunday, April 11, we will go back to online video services. Find the Services online on our website, and YouTube channel every Sunday at 10:30 am.
Find it here.
Our AGM will still be held on Saturday, Apr 24 at 11 am, as announced earlier, on zoom. Participants need to sign up beforehand to receive the zoom link in their mail. It may be the essential AGMs for many years, deciding on the church's renovation project's framework.
Read more and dign up here.
Remember, Pastor Simon is always ready for a talk on the phone or zoom.
See here how to get in contact with him.
Take care and stay safe.
The Board & Pastor Simon