18/04/2021 0 Comments
Can you see the good shepherd in your life?
Can you see the good shepherd in your life?
# Video Worship
Can you see the good shepherd in your life?
In the Bible text of Second Sunday after Easter, Jesus is talking about the good shepherd. Even there are not many shepherds in our everyday lives, there is a strong message for us hidden in that picture.
Listen to Pastor Simon's reflection in this Video-worship from the Danish Church in Toronto about shepherds in our world. "When Jesus today is talking about shepherds, he is talking about the responsibility we have for one another. We can, in our life - when we are as shepherds leading the sheep - or as sheep that need comfort, protection and guidance - have faith in Jesus as the good shepherd who goes before us all and shows us all in our lives."
The hyms of the day is "Morgenstund har guld i mund" performed by Brigitte Bogar and Mark Fenger.